Home Alkoholschwammkodierung


Prior art keywords alkyl substituted optionally ring membered Prior art date 2009-05-20 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion.

Wie man aufhört, Alkohol alleine zu trinken

Throughout Wikipedia, the pronunciation of words is indicated by means of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The following tables list the IPA symbols.

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The invention relates inter alia to halogen-substituted compounds of general formula (II), in which compounds the groups A1-A4, T, n, W, Q, R1 and Z1-Z3 are defined.
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Official Full-Text Paper (PDF): Definitive Radiotherapie und Radiochemotherapie des Ösophaguskarzinoms.
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Chronische Pankreatitis: Diagnostik und Therapie. enzyme im Darm ei ne Schl üsselr olle ein un d kann s owohl s ich einsch ränkun g d er pankrea tische.
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The most conspicuous result of transcription into Japanese is (e.g. コア ko-a There are no definite rules when it comes to the schwa, however;.
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Prior art keywords optionally substituted butyl cr iso Prior art date 2008-11-05 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion.


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